Teen Acne Unveiled

Teen Acne Unveiled:
 Empowering Skin Therapists with Internal Insights

Are you ready to learn exactly how to tackle an adolescent acne case and break the vicious pill popping cycle?


Are you frustrated with the viscious cycle of breakouts and flare ups with your teen acne clients?

  • Sick of constantly feeling like little can be done from an external perspective?
  • Struggling to find the right information to educate your client before they resort to the pill, antibiotics or isotretinoin?
  • ​Feeling like you're battling against raging hormones, stress and diet all at once with your prescriptions?
  • Unsure of the missing gaps between an adolescent case and an adult acne case?
  • ​Not feeling super confident in identifying fungal acne from bacterial acne and what to do about it?
  • ​Afraid to touch the topic of diet conversation with your teen clients but want to find a way to educate?
  • ​Struggling to set expectations with your teen clients and their parents?
  • ​Tired of your topical prescriptions carrying all of the weight to achieve results WITHOUT recognition of internal health? 

What if you could finally

  • Learn the unique case taking skills you need when tackling an adolescent acne case
  • Understand the difference between adolescent acne and adult acne and why your consultation process is essential
  • ​Learn the tools to confidently educate your client on the topic of diet without stepping out of your scope
  • ​Confidently educate your client on how their stress, sports, sleep routine and diet are all playing a role in their acne
  • ​Understand the nutritional requirements of an adolescent and how this impacts their skin
  • ​Let go of the weight of your topical prescription performing acne miracles
  • ​Feel relieved to know you have another tool in your toolkit to achieve long term results
"Jacinta from Orenda is amazing. I have been working with her for over 12 months now and she has helped me to improve my skin, gut health and menstrual health. Her knowledge is astounding! She takes the time to get to know you (and takes a genuine interest) before tailor making a holistic plan to suit your needs. I love that she doesn’t force you into anything but makes gentle recommendations to improve your health, ensuring you are comfortable with what is happening with your own body. Her plans of care also aren’t too drastic or sudden. Just small improvements and changes over time which are manageable. Jacinta has taught me so much on how to look after myself and I feel so much better for it!"

This is for you if:

  • You're ready to up your consultation game and learn how to navigate the complexities of an adolescent acne case 
  • You're ready to learn how to confidently educate your client on the cause of their acne so they can avoid the pill, antibiotics and isotretinoin
  • ​You're eager to provide a holistic consultation service to your clients to achieve long term results with their adolescent acne 

  • ​You're ready to learn from an expert in the field that has worked with clients all over the world 

This is not for you if:

  • You're not ready to integrate knowledge of internal health into your clinical practice 
  • You feel like you've got all of the tools you could ever need to achieve long term results with your clients acne

  • You're not ready to learn the most up to date research on adolescent acne and why your consultation process is vital

  • You're not interested in helping your clients achieve long term results by addressing to root cause 


Teen Acne Unveiled is specifically designed for skin therapists to level up their knowledge and feel confident in tackling the complexities of adolescent acne



Here is what you'll learn inside the Teen Acne Webinar:

Pathophysiology of Adolescent Acne:
Dive deep into the underlying mechanisms of acne development, understanding how factors like sebum production, pH balance, retention keratosis, bacteria, and inflammation contribute to breakouts

Adolescent Hormones Explained:
Puberty is a natural hormonal transition that occurs, but there's particular reasons why acne becomes problematic in some and not others. Learn the changes that occur during puberty and what's happening within the skin 

Debunking Pathology Testing:
Ever heard "I've been to the doctors, they said everything is fine & within range" before? We teach you exactly why particular tests aren't giving your clients the answers they're looking for and what they need to do about it.

Drivers of Adolescent Acne:
Everything from stress, gut health, nutritional status, influence of sports, insulin resistance, hormone regulation, mental health, dietary imbalances and more.
You'll be a teen acne expert in the end.

Consultation process & Case Taking:
We give you it all. The questions you need to ask specific to a teen, the red flags you need to be aware of and the language you need to communicate your knowledge so you can achieve lasting results with your clients acne

Understanding Integrated Treatments:
Your client will be told to go on the pill, to take an antibiotic or to start isotretinoin. How do you approach these conversations without stepping out of your scope? We'll give you the language nad knowledge you need to approach these difficult conversations.


Diet Structure for Acne

This guide outlines the step-by-step process to help your client structure their diet. It provides them with clear guidelines on the types of foods to include and those to avoid.

Acne-Friendly Pantry List

This handy checklist helps your clients build an acne-friendly pantry. It highlights essential ingredients and items that are beneficial for skin health. With this list, they'll be equipped to stock their pantry with wholesome, nourishing options that support their journey towards clear skin.

Macronutrient Information

Understanding macronutrients is crucial in creating a balanced, acne-fighting diet. This guide provides you with in-depth information about carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, including their roles in skin health. Your clients will gain insights into portion sizes, ideal sources, and practical tips to incorporate the right balance of macronutrients into your meals.

Gut, Hormone & Stress Driven Cheat Sheet

You'll have access to individual cheat sheets that include our secret tips we use in our 1:1 consultations to get results for gut, stress and hormonal related acne ONTOP of all of the information in the masterclass

Eat for Skin Needling Success

We give you a breakdown of exactly what your clients need to be doing (and what they need to be avoiding) to actually get the best results they can with skin needling. Time to say goodbye to pigmentation and scarring!

We want you to succeed and the only way is to give you the practical resources that you can use immediately in your clinic, so you can stand out as
holistic skin practitioner

Introducing Jacinta Barbagallo..

Your trusted guide on the journey to clear, healthy skin. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the field of women's health, Jacinta has become a sought-after educator and speaker on the topic of the complexity of acne including the causes and treatments that work.

Most recently, Jacinta has presented for a board of Integrated Medicine Practitioners in Australia on the topic of Adolescent Acne and Integrated Medicine.

Jacinta's expertise is grounded in evidence-based research and a holistic understanding of the body. She cuts through the noise and provides practical, actionable strategies that have been proven to make a significant impact on skin health. Her ability to simplify complex concepts and present them in a relatable manner ensures that participants in her masterclass gain a deep understanding of the diet-acne connection. By enrolling in Jacinta's masterclass, you'll have the opportunity to learn from a trusted expert who has a proven track record of helping individuals achieve tangible results.

PAY ONLY: $149 (AUD)


Click the SIGN ME UP button now and we'll send you the link with direct access to the masterclass and handouts NOW!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the masterclass go for?

Our Teen Acne Unveiled is nearly 2 hours worth of content! PLUS you get exclusive handouts that Jacinta and the Orenda team use in their own clinical practice to get lasting results.

I've already done the Advanced Acne Training, how is this different?

You'll know the foundations of the start of the masterclass then! But this masterclass is a little different; we cover the nitty grittys of exactly what happens with the hormonal transition during puberty, how to discuss the conversation of diet with such a sensitive age group, how to identify fungal vs bacterial acne in this age group (you'll know why this is so important in the masterclass) and so much more. 

I'm a Skin Therapist/Dermal Clinician,
what will I learn?

We know you know so much already! This masterclass will help you to up your consultation game by filling in the missing gaps with an adolescent acne case in comparison to an adult acne case. Everything from case taking to prescription, we cover it all! 

I'm a Naturopath/Nutritionist,
is this suitable for me?

You will absolutely want to get your hands on these hand outs that you can use in your practice. Take the weight off your shoulders of needing to explain difficult concepts and let the handouts carry the load of the teaching!

Still got questions?

DM us on Instagram or via email!

📲 Instagram: @orendawomenshealth
📧 Email: info@orendawomenshealth.com.au
"Jacinta has been integral in helping me understand my skin condition , educating me on the causes and drivers, providing expert advice and achieving results beyond expectation. I think I am most thankful for Jacinta’s ability to empower me to take control back and just feel good about things again! Nothing feels ‘let’s just try this and see what happens’ every treatment is informed by tests and an interdisciplinary approach is taken when needed!If you’re thinking about it- definitely reach out. You have nothing to lose!"

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